Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What I've Been Up To...

I haven't wrote a post in a while, so I will just post some pictures of what I've been up to.  I'm trying to increase the numbers of meals I actually prepare and cook, and I've been sewing like crazy, along with some projects that will remain a secret since they are gifts.  So here are some pictures.  Hopefully I will have some time this week to explain what each thing is and provide a recipe or explanation on how I made some of the items.

Roasted Red Pepper and Mozzarella Panini 

And I actually make my own roasted red peppers....  To make these, I cut a large red pepper in half, and place it, skin side up, directly on the oven rack and turn the broiler on.  Once the skin is blackened, I flip them over and let the other side cook a little.  After they are done in the oven, I place the peppers in a plastic container and put the lid on the container.  Then let the pepper sit for about 15 minutes, or even longer.  This makes the skin super easy to peel off.  And then you have fresh roasted red peppers that are super yummy and sweet!

And now on to some the things I've been sewing.  I don't have pictures of the rag quilt that I made for a friend's mom.  I will try to get pictures and post those eventually.  Below are some pictures of a credit card/business card holder.  But I think it would also make a great way to give a gift card.  I used some scrap pieces of fabric and came up with these.

And here is a sneak peak of something that I recently started...

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

If I help with your sewing projects will you make me that panini??? YUMMY!!!